Exploring alcohol and football using photovoice

Purpose of this research
The purpose of this study is to explore the topic of alcohol and football through the lived experience of football fans who regularly attend matches in England and Scotland.
What is involved?
The study will involve football fans taking pictures which they feel represent the theme of alcohol and football using a research method known as
You decide when and where to take the pictures. This is a chance to tell your story, your experiences and what is important to you.
We will ask you to attend an initial online meeting via Zoom at a time that suits you.
We will ask you to take pictures using your smartphone whilst attending a football match which you feel represent the theme of alcohol and football over a two-week period.
We will then ask you to attend two further online meetings with other fans to talk about the images you have taken.
You will each receive £100 of Amazon vouchers for taking part.
If you are interested in taking part, please contact the researcher involved in the study using the details below, with all the following information.
For fans in Scotland please contact - Jack Martin - j.g.martin@stir.ac.uk
For fans in England please contact - Comille Bandura - c.bandura@lboro.ac.uk
This project has been ethically approved through the University of Stirling General University Ethics Panel
